Horse Bells
by John McGrady

I was fortunate to grow up in a little southwest Queensland town where, as children we could play on the street, run wild in the bush or go fishing in our muddy old Moonie River. We knew everyone in town, were welcome in all our mates’ houses and the friends we grew up with were family, even though we were not related. Friends that still remain.

As a young man I was lucky enough to travel around Australia using some of the skills taught to me by some of those old bushmen. A while later I moved back to the city where I was a little lost and going back to the horse world made my life a much nicer deal. Out of that came great friendships and the writing of bush poetry.

The mystery of how and why we write still eludes me. Sometimes it will take me weeks to finish a poem, other times the words just flow, and it’s done inside an hour.

To order copies of Horsebells please click on the button below.

$20 + $5 postage anywhere in Australia

80 pages, 14.85 x 21cm

About 'Horse Bells'

I would like to dedicate this book to all the great people I have met in my life, who have made this world a better place for me to live in. Those others who at times made my life difficult, I thank them also for they make me appreciate the good people even more.

I would also like to thank all those who have listened to my efforts over the years and friends, family and teachers of all kinds who have encouraged, cajoled and requested that these poems be put in a book.

Horse Bells is a selection of poems written over the years: some work, some family related, others just broad brush strokes of the experiences of life, and some of the characters one meets along the way. Though I have tried to write longer poetry at times, a style that is concise and to the point seems to work for me.

I hope you enjoy this collection.

John McGrady

A look inside ...

© Copyright, all rights reserved, John McGrady


Brush Strokes from My Memory
The Rhyme
The Bell
Just for Fun
Old Men
Horse Bells
The Rocking Horse
The Inside Lane
The Legend
God’s Waiting Room
The Pragmatist
Broken Dreams
The Road to Palestine
Grey Horses
One Old Dark Man
A Salesman’s Dream
Why Don’t You Get Married
Old Joe
Old Mates
The Safety Mouse
A Smithy I Remember
The Big 8-0
The Old Bushman
Picture of Australia
The Park
Namatjira’s Homeland
A Political View
Vaseline Alley
A Question to Banjo
Sleep Walk
The Red Demon
A Man of His Times
The Demise of the Urinal
The Procrastination Handicap
When the Final Curtain Falls
Bushman Dreaming
Sapphire Blues

How to purchase?

John will have copies of his book to sell at bush poetry events in South East Queensland for $20.

To order online click on the button below.
$20 (+$5.00 postage).

person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop computer holding card