Seminars & Conferences
Are you a member of a writer's group and want a presenter to provide practical input on self-publishing, or you are organising a writer's festival or conference?
I'd be delighted to contribute to these events. I have over 40 years experience in adult education and have given presentations to large groups and provided facilitation for small groups.
Engaging the audience
Presentations can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as you require.
After many years presenting I have honed the effectiveness of my presentations so that they are engaging, interesting and informative.
The video below contains the slides from a presentation to a writer's group at Highfields, Toowoomba.
Topics can be as broad as 'Pen to Publish' as presented at Highfields, or focus on a specific area or skill such as:
overview of software for writing and designing
project planning for self-publishing
budgeting for self-publishing
specific skills using Adobe InDesign or Affinity Publisher
technical aspects of exporting a Print Ready PDF of your book to provide to a commercial printer
applying for an ISBN and the associated barcode
developing, designing and publishing a website focused on marketing your book
publishing your book through Amazon as print on demand or as a Kindle ebook
basic tools for marketing and selling your book through your website and email campaigns such as Mailchimp
Further information
For more information about training or presentations please contact me using the Contact Form or call:
048 1716 705.